Jazz Heads: Outtakes

From master moulds of Miles Davis, Ian Shaw and Chet Baker I have been making what would be called in a music studio, out takes. In this case, out takes from the central facial features of the models.

Each one will be slightly different in cast and finish but these give you an idea of what they look like. Drop by the studio, by appointment, to see what are available for sale at any one time. Below are examples but there are new ones all the time.

For enquiries, email simoncookesculptures@gmail.com

Photos : Simon Roth


Miles section 1 (framed)

Plaster and granite effect.

Frame 35cm x 35cm



Miles section 2 (framed)

Plaster with rust effect.

Frame 35cm x 35 cm



Miles section 3 (framed)

Plaster and rust effect again, different cast.

Frame 35cm x 35 cm



Miles section 4 (framed)

Plaster and granite effect.

Frame 35 cm x 35 cm
