Release your inner Rodin

Sculpture Course on Eel Pie Island

A two-day beginners’ course in sculpture.

Learn the basics of modelling, mould-making, casting and finishing at Simon Cooke’s studio on iconic Eel Pie Island, south-west London, and take home your finished piece at the end.

The course will take place over two consecutive days, approx. 4-5 hours on each day, depending on the design and finish you choose for your model.

£225 per person for the two-day course, all tools and materials supplied.

Bookings from July 2024, dates flexible to suit.

Enquire at 835584

The studio viewed from the mainland.

In two days, go from a lump of clay…

… to a finished piece

Course details

Sculptor Simon Cooke will lead this two-day introductory course on modelling, mould-making, casting and finishing, held in his studio on Eel Pie Island, south west London. The course is fully taught and supervised, and therefore suitable for beginners.

Day 1:
Discussing and finalising your idea for the piece (some discussion having taken place in advance of the course). Modelling in clay (from your imagination or photos - no live model). Mould-making of part-plaster waste moulds. Prep for desired finish on day 2.

Day 2:

Casting your piece from the mould made on day 1. Finishing the piece with your desired finish (could be rust, sand, acrylic paint, copper leaf, polished plaster… or to some extent anything you can think of!)

The course will be held for a minimum of one person or maximum of two. You will be at the studio approximately 4-5 hours on each day, depending on the complexity of your chosen design and finish, with breaks when waiting for pieces to dry or set.

£225 per person for the two day course.

All tools and materials, including protective gloves and masks, as well as tea and coffee, will be provided. Lunch not provided.

Taking bookings from July 2024, dates flexible to suit.

For enquiries on dates, accessibility, or further details, get in touch at or 07973 835584.